Alllison's Success Story

How a former pro-golfer-turned-consultant found freedom and learned to be happy again


If you'd like to know the tools to build a balanced life... then LET'S TALK!


Allison's a former pro-golfer who despite having everything she ever wanted - a husband, two gorgeous girls and her own business - felt miserable and frustrated. Watch this video where Allison describes how she's found freedom after only 8 weeks and now has a completely different perspective on every aspect of her life.

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Emily used to say 'yes' to everything, whether it was more work, looking after the house or putting everyone else first. It's no wonder she felt like she was drowning in quicksand at home and work and despite trying everything felt paralysed and burnt out. Fast forward 8 weeks and her life has changed completely! She's calm, in control and empowered to build the most exciting future.


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On the surface Jade had everything - a beautiful blended family, supportive partner, a house - yet on the inside she just didn't feel satisfied and was stuck on the treadmill of life. Being self-aware, Jade knew she'd lost her vivacity and didn't have confidence or energy to build her new consulting business, but had no idea how to fix it because nothing else she tried had worked. Just 8 weeks later, Jade's life has changed in every aspect. She's now got the tools to grow her thriving business and feel like her vivacious self again regardless of the busyness around her.


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