Welcome to Balance and Beyond, the podcast for ambitious women who refuse to accept burnout as the price of success. Here, we’re committed to empowering you with the tools and strategies you need to achieve true balance, where your career, relationships and health all thrive, and where you have the power to define success on your own terms.

#56 3 Ways to Ditch the 20-Ton Perfectionist Shield You Carry

This episode we dive into the hidden world of perfectionism, exploring how it silently influences our daily lives and prevents us from reaching our full potential.


#55 Unmasking the Leader Within

Understand the unique challenges faced by women in leadership roles and how you can maximise your impact and influence in the workplace.


#54 The Curse of Fierce Independence

What if the very independence you've prided yourself on is quietly sabotaging your happiness and success? Join us as we unravel this intricate web and its often hidden consequences.


#53 Breaking Free from Mum Guilt

Is mum guilt keeping you up at night? Imagine a world where you could redefine what it means to be a good mum based on your values, not society's outdated expectations. 


#52 The Energetics of Money

We’re moving beyond mindset and revealing the energetics of money that, if unbalanced, can block your abundance.


#51 Three Reasons You're Not Being Paid Your Worth

If you feel undervalued and underpaid, this episode will help you understand why you aren’t being paid your worth.


#50 ADHD or Overwhelm? Uncover the Root of Your Scattered Focus

If you struggle to focus, feel like your brain is going a million miles an hour and have found yourself Googling ‘Do I have ADHD?’ at 2am, this episode is for you!


#49 40-45: The Biggest Life Lessons (No One Tells You)

Jo is celebrating her birthday by sharing five invaluable lessons learned over the last five years. You get to benefit from this hard-earned wisdom and short-circuit your journey to success and fulfilment.


#48 Overcoming the Comparison Trap

Have you ever caught yourself in the mirror of comparison, where everyone else's life seems to shimmer brighter than your own?  


#47 How to unlock the power to do anything

Struggling to sign off on your own life's decisions without first seeking a nod of approval from others? It's time we unpack the invisible chains of seeking external permission.


#46 How to do more with less

Learn how to thrive in a world of increasing demands and decreasing resources without burning the candle at both ends or falling into old habits such as people-pleasing or doom-scrolling. 


#45 The Truth About Boundaries

Unlock the secrets about Boundaries and their potential to dissolve resentment, reclaim your time and reaffirm your place in your life.


#44 The 5 Biggest Changes to Work/Life Balance in 2024

Everything has changed this year, and it’s time to arm yourself with the knowledge and tools to find balance when squeezed on all fronts.


#43 How to Say No Without the Guilt

Learn how to peel back the layers of expectation that make it feel impossible to say no without guilt and resentment and a powerful, practical strategy that will change your life.


#42 High Performance Meets Wellness with Brook Bishop

What can you learn by standing beside giants like Tony Robbins? Turns out, Brook Bishop learned a lot, especially when it comes to high performance.


#41 How I Unlocked the Magic of Intuition

A candid exploration of Jo’s journey from staunch executive to spiritual seeker and how embracing magic and woo has unlocked so much in her life.


#40 Unveiling the Hidden Mirror in our Children 

A recent injury shed a very bright light on the unexpected ways our children are reflecting our behaviours, and reinforces the importance of becoming selfish.


#39 Why Devotion Trumps Discipline

Jo and Jaclyn share a more compassionate approach to achieving your ambitions that replaces the rigidity of discipline with the nurturing power of devotion.


#38 Reclaiming Time: Strategies for Peak Productivity and a More Meaningful Week

Jo shares the game-changing strategies she has implemented this year which are freeing up hours more time and headspace.


#37 Why I Fired My Husband: The Power of Emotional Energy in Business and Life

Find out why Jo fired her husband, and gain insight into a different perspective on why it’s so important to protect your vibration and energy.


#36 Unlocking the Miracles of Decision-Making From Within

Jo shares her personal journey of cultivating self-trust over external noise, revealing what really lies beneath life’s tricky decisions that can feel so challenging to make.


#35 The High-Achiever Tightrope

Striving for more while cherishing what you've accomplished can feel like walking a tightrope, but the fear of falling disappears once you know how to make this key shift.


#34 How Lindsey Went From Crying Over Cupcakes to Flying in a Private Jet

Be inspired by Lindsey’s rise from feeling like a bad mum to opening up more joy and opportunity in all areas of life.


#33 Redefining Success: How I Finally Embraced Slowing Down to Speed Up

Never one to shy away from setting ambitious goals, hear Jo’s story of tackling them with greater ease and joy, leaving behind the white-knuckling that was actually slowing her down.


#32 How to Move Beyond Resolutions to Redefine Your Year

Join Jaclyn and Jo as we explore a more empowering approach than New Year’s Resolutions that will shape a year of intrinsic motivation and joy. 


#31 Unveiling the Secret to my Success 2024 (and Why it's Changed Everything)

Unlock the secret to my success in 2024 and how this seemingly small muscle has been the catalyst for huge change in all areas of my life (once again). The good news is, you have this muscle too!


Season 1

#30 Our 3 Biggest Lessons from 2023 - Part 2

Join us for part two, where Jo and Jaclyn continue to drop some very big lessons that have huge impacts on their lives. 


#29 Our 3 Biggest Lessons from 2023 - Part 1

It’s been a big year, so to wrap up 2023 Jo and Jaclyn share their biggest nuggets of wisdom from a huge year, personally and professionally.


#28 The Inspiring Journey of Unstoppable Alex

One woman’s remarkable tale of triumph and personal growth. She's here to share her awe-inspiring journey.


#27 The Secret Power of Desire to Transform Your Life

If you’re unsure what you want and don’t permit yourself to have it, you’re missing out on many opportunities for love, joy and abundance. Find out how to shift that now!


#26 Conquering Fear: Your Shortcut to Success

Fear is inevitable, but the suffering it creates is not. Discover how fear is masquerading in your life and the tools you need to stop it from ruling your life.


#25 5 Game-Changing Mindset Shifts for Part-Time Success

In a world of flexibility, we need to shift our mindset about how we navigate these blurred lines of work and home life. Unlock the specific shifts to thrive at work and beyond.


#24 Tapping into the Power of Connection and Self-Discovery

When were you last in a room of women who got you? Join us Jo shares insights from her recent retreats that will highlight something you’re missing


#23 Breaking the Chains of Being a Girl: Why Our Biology No Longer Shapes Our Destiny

As women, we’ve come a long way in a few generations. Join us as we share how to shed this generational conditioning without accepting our biology as our destiny.


#22 The Truth About Calm and Confidence

These two states are the emotions women want more of,  yet are misunderstood. Discover the truth about calm and confidence and learn how to cultivate them.


#21 Shattering the 'Selfish' Myth

Understand why being called selfish is considered an insult and the crazy range of behaviours we employ to avoid the term. It's time to shatter the myth that putting yourself last is a good thing!


#20 Burnout: What Your Body is Trying to Tell You

Despite our best attempts to ignore them, our body gives us plenty of warning before we burn out. Discover what your body is trying to tell you and read the signs before it’s too late.


#19 Reclaiming Your Power: 3 Ways to Take Back Control and Create a Life You Love

How to stop falling victim to circumstance and rediscover the power to create a life we love, without falling victim to common traps that typically plague ambitious women. 


#18 Defying the Odds: 3 Lessons from an Unlikely Victory

A recent netball grand final provides a beautiful metaphor for defying the odds on the court and in life, even when circumstances, age and injuries suggest victory is very unlikely.


#17 Busting the Top 3 Myths About Work-Life Balance

There are so many myths about the concept of work-life balance! In this episode, we debunk the most common ones that women use as an excuse to hold themselves back and reinforce their belief that sacrifice is inevitable.


#16 Surviving Single Parenthood: How to Embrace the Chaos and Find the Fun

Dive into the transformative world of single parenting – where chaos catalyses self-exploration and growth. Listen to learn how to harness personal power amidst life's storms, embrace self-care, and break free from unhealthy cycles.


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#15 Channel Your Inner Matilda: 5 Lessons in Leadership

Can lessons from an elite soccer team actually apply to your life? Absolutely! Be prepared for a fresh perspective on our new national darlings as we dissect their blueprint for leadership that help you become a woman of influence, Matilda-style!


#14 Pleasing Others, Losing Ourselves: The Inner Workings of People Pleasers

This one’s for the people-pleasers! We delve into the psychology of people pleasing, uncovering its impact on high-achieving women. Explore how the urge to please others originates, its effects on personal and professional lives, and how to break free for true empowerment.


#13 Beyond Intellect: Decoding the Power of Intuition in Leadership

What if the key to unlocking your true potential was not rooted in logic or intellect but in something deeper, more intuitive? Brace yourself for a captivating discussion with Jaclyn, our insightful mindset coach who beautifully articulates this unconventional but powerful truth.


#12 Confessions of a Recovering Perfectionist

If you like everything to be perfect and pride yourself on your attention to detail, listen up! As a once proud perfectionist, it’s time I shared how this behaviour was impacting me and the strategies I used to tame that side of me.


#11 Embracing the Magic Within: Life Lessons from a Decade of Wisdom

What if we could find profound life lessons in the wisdom of our children? In honour of Stella turning 10, I share 10 profound yet simple nuggets of wisdom that can bring so much joy in your life.


#10 Unlocking the Magic Equation: How Your Thoughts, Feelings and Behaviour Shape Your Success and Well-Being

Could one simple equation really hold the key to changing everything? The answer is yes, and in this episode, we reveal the magical link between your thoughts and everything you have in life.


#9 Success will make us happy: The lie we must stop believing 

If you’re chasing success and always striving for the next achievement yet never quite feel fulfilled, this episode is for you. Join us as we discuss redefining success and creating a more meaningful and balanced life.


#8 The Truth about Feelings: How to stop being numb and unlock greater joy, calm and confidence 

Ever wondered why we struggle to truly feel and process our emotions? Join us as we uncover the science behind emotions, and share what has to shift in your head and heart to stop feeling numb and unlock more joy, calm and confidence.


#7 The Part Time Paradox: 5 Traps You Must Avoid if Considering Part Time Work

If you think going part-time is the answer to getting better balance, think again. In this episode, we share the five traps women fall into when trying to work flexibly and explain what must shift if you’re to make this arrangement successful.


#6 The Dark Side of Being a Get Sh*t Done Person 

What makes you a GSD and how could this be limiting your success and wellbeing? In this episode, we’ll share the three common characteristics of GSD, the dark side of each of these traits and share strategies for a more sustainable identity that leads to less stress and more fulfilment.


#5 Breaking Free from Self-Sabotage: Rewiring Your Brain for a Happier Life

Are you constantly battling the urge to sabotage your own progress? In this episode, we show how to break the cycles that have you stuck and how to embrace discomfort on the path to more joy.


#4 Beyond the Clock: Navigating Time in a Fast-Paced World

In a hustle-driven world obsessed with time, it can feel impossible to be present. In this episode, we explore the ancient wisdom around time that shows us how to improve productivity, creativity and fulfilment, without compromising our results. 


#3 Why your existing toolkit is failing you: the missing ingredient for women

Why meditation, time blocking and other strategies don’t bring you balance, and the missing ingredient that will make all your strategies work.


#2 Escaping the Chains of the To-Do List

We tackle one of the biggest challenges faced by ambitious women: how to get everything done while not being weighed down by never-ending lists. We'll unravel its hidden secrets and expose what it has insidiously become a substitute for.  


#1 My Journey from a 'Burn it All Down' Moment to True Fulfillment

We dive into Jo’s story where she shares her journey towards finding balance and contentment, and how she had to almost burn it all down to discover what she truly wanted.