Success Stories

What our clients have to say about their Blissful journey

"This program has changed my life! I never imagined what was possible in such a short time" - Nicole

Emily's Story

Emily used to say 'yes' to everything, whether it was more work, looking after the house or putting everyone else first. It's no wonder she felt like she was drowning in quicksand at home and work and despite trying everything felt paralysed and burnt out. Fast forward 8 weeks and her life has changed completely! She's calm, in control and empowered to build the most exciting future.

Jade's Story

On the surface Jade had everything - a blended family, supportive partner, a house - yet on the inside she just didn't feel satisfied. Being self-aware, Jade knew she'd lost her vivacity and didn't have the confidence or energy to build her new consulting business, but had no idea how to fix it. Just 8 weeks later, Jade's life has changed in every aspect. She's now got the tools to grow her thriving business and feel like her vivacious self again regardless of what's going on around her.

"If there is one course you participate in this year, do this one. Take the leap, be brave and commit. Be curious and vulnerable to what lies on the other side." - Fiona

Leah's Story

Leah's a busy accountant who spent her day in back-to-back meetings and even was asked to work through her 2 year olds birthday party! In this video she shares how much has changed in a matter of months including the clarity she now has on the career she wants to have, how she stopped being the workhorse resulting in an empty calendar and the simple tools she's used that now means life is calm instead of hectic.

Lindsey's Story

Lindsey was crying over store-bought cupcakes, feeling like a failure as a mum when she knew something had to change. Fast forward 8 weeks and Lindsey's calm, present with her kids and kicking some major goals at work.

"If you are a working woman and value your longterm happiness, this is the best investment you will make. It's a unique program that you will actually enjoy the learning component as it is so relatable and you will connect with other working women who share similar work and life struggles.

It is impossible not to see remarkable incremental change if you apply yourself and trust the process. It is not preaching, but laced with intriguing logical neurological facts and full of practical take home strategies. It is a true value for money investment."

- Claire

Jennifer's Story

Juggling a stressful job as SVP of HR, a toddler and husband, Jennifer didn't feel like she was doing well in any part of her life. Once her boss pulled her aside and told her she wasn't ok, she decided something had to change. Watch this video where she shares the simple tactic that dissolved her crippling mum guilt, the remarkable turnaround in her health that her doctor couldn't believe and what her colleagues have noticed most about how she's now showing up.

Alex's Story

Alex was always ambitious but motherhood forced her to shift her priorities so her career took a backseat to the family in the belief she couldn't have both. With her kids getting older, it was time for Alex to stop playing small, get the confidence to lean into her job, to finally put her hand up and see what is possible when you discover the real potential that lies within. She's now living proof that it's never too late to become unstoppable. 

"It has been nothing short of transformational! It has taken me from fragile, broken and burnt out back to happy, engaged, driven and motivated. This has had a positive impact on every aspect of my life." - Belinda

Wendy's Story

Wendy was a loyal member of the Friday night wine club as a way to cope with the overwhelm that was so severe it was giving her heart palpitations. She explains the key breakthroughs that have stopped her feeling stuck at work, have given her the confidence to take a huge next step and how she's dropped the mum guilt, constant negative self-talk and is finally looking after her own emotional wellbeing.

Melissa's Story

Melissa is a successful consultant with 2 grown-up boys yet found herself feeling stuck at work and doubting whether a new job was the solution to her issues. Watch this video to learn how she got her confidence back, stopped stressing over the little things, learned to say no, finally fit in regular exercise and now feels excited about whatever the future holds.

"This course has been amazing! It has completely changed my mindset and armed me with useful tools to create a better work and home environment. It has challenged my beliefs and made me curious to see the extent of my full potential. It has also increased my confidence and is the beginning of a journey to a better me."
- Amanda

Amy's Story

When Amy joined us, life felt very heavy and she didn't think it was possible to balance her desire to have a career with her family. She always felt behind and not the mum she wanted to be to her kids and was seriously considering stepping back at work. Just a few months later she's in the job of her dreams, with the money to match, and has rediscovered the calm and peace she was so longing for.

Belinda's Story

Before Belinda found us, life felt like quicksand and although she was crushing it at life, it was coming at a heavy cost. Despite exercising, eating well and listening to podcasts, nothing seemed to work for Belinda, despite how hard she was trying. A few months later she's radiating happiness, is back in control of her life and making big decisions from a place of confidence and trust.

"This is more than a leadership program! It helps you to connect at a deeper level to yourself and make the right choices for a purposeful, fulfilling and positive life." 
- Paula

Jo's Story

Jo was a self-confessed perfectionist who made holding down a big job, managing a house and a toddler all look easy. However little did she know this perfectionism was infiltrating every area of her life and the root cause of much of her unhappiness. Watch this video where Jo describes how in a matter of months every aspect of her life has changed and become easier, including reducing her hours, ditching the guilt and finally putting herself first.

Courtney's Story

On maternity leave with her second child, Courtney didn't know how she was going to cope returning to her stressful job with two kids. To make matters worse, she wasn't even sure she was in the right job. Watch this video where Courtney shares how she got clarity on the type of job she wants, landed a new role and is now back at work with clear boundaries in place, as well as the ability to put herself first without guilt.

"It's worth the investment and it will change your life in more ways than you can imagine. Not only your professional life, but also your personal life. Jo is amazing (she's been through this herself) and I'm very fortunate to be part of the tribe.

The modules are excellent and you can listen to them anywhere. The homework is manageable and intended to make you think and help you get unstuck. The time will go so quickly and you'll be a different person than when you started. Don't wait!"

- Melissa

Allison's Story

Allison's a former pro-golfer who despite having everything she ever wanted - a husband, two gorgeous girls and her own business - felt miserable and frustrated. Watch this video where Allison describes how she's found freedom after only 8 weeks and now has a completely different perspective on every aspect of her life.

Lauren's Story

Lauren is a high achieving woman in her 30's who had given everything to her rapidly progressing career, yet had nothing leftover for other areas of her life. Fast forward just 8 weeks and everything has changed! She's realised her worth, learned to say no, got the courage to resign from her job and now knows she can have an amazing career and build the family of her dreams.

"This has been one of the most empowering and thought provoking programs out there. We always talk about our career ambitions and how much we want to achieve, but we never stop to think that it all starts with you. I love that everything is grounded in science too which resonates with the logical thinker in me who needs things to make sense." - Alice

Sian's Story

As a Doctor with two teenagers, Sian was working crazy hours trying to juggle a job in a clinic with growing her own practice in aged care. On top of being exhausted, she wasn't looking after herself and her health was starting to seriously suffer. Watch this video where Sian shares how her chronic pain has now evaporated, how she's doubled her business while fitting in the gym 4 days per week and how she's handled a recent crisis in a completely different way.

Kristy's Story

Kristy runs a specialist medical practise and had a toddler in the middle of the pandemic - a combination for anxiety, grumpiness and misery. She felt trapped under so much resentment and almost didn't recognise herself anymore. After just 8 weeks everything changed and she's now calm, full of joy and excited for the future.

"Truly a simple but not easy program where courage is taking the first step.  A place where you 'get to', not 'have to' find a tribe.  A place to ignite or reignite your purpose, find alignment for the whole of your life and level up to who you want to be."
- Fran

Vickie's Story

Vickie was overwhelmed at work and home, shouldering the bulk of the mental load for her family while holding down a demanding job. In this video Vickie shares some of the specific tools that have been change changers to help her get more time back, to be more present with her girls and to have the confidence that she's on the right career path.

Nicole's Story

Nicole was working full-time, doing her PhD and raising teenagers yet felt lost and like life was ruled by resentment. She'd tried every leadership and coaching program out there but nothing helped her be her best at work and at home. Nicole shares where she is today, how her life has been changed for the better and why she's now hopeful for the future.

Maya's Story

On the surface Maya looked like she had it all. A business that was booming, a good husband, two gorgous girls... and yet underneath she knew she just wasn't happy. She was so full of anger and resentment that she couldn't even put her kids to bed! Watch this video to learn how drastically Maya's life has changed and the exact strategies that have helped her ditch the tears, become calm and finally say she's happy.

Penny's Story

Penny came to us as a no-nonsense, hanging-from-helicopters, tree-planting forest guru.  And yet, despite her awesome stories and dynamic spirit, she felt undervalued, unappreciated and on the cusp of burnout.

Watch to discover the values Penny took from our teachings to reclaim her voice and reignite her passion for larger-than-life adventures.