Penny's Success Story


If you'd like to know the tools to build a balanced life... then LET'S TALK!


Penny came to us as a no-nonsense, hanging-from-helicopters, tree-planting forest guru.

And yet, she felt undervalued, unappreciated and on the cusp of burnout.

Watch to discover the values Penny took from our teachings to reclaim her voice and reignite her passion for larger-than-life adventures.

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Emily's Story

Emily used to say 'yes' to everything, whether it was more work, looking after the house or putting everyone else first. It's no wonder she felt like she was drowning in quicksand at home and work and despite trying everything felt paralysed and burnt out. Fast forward 8 weeks and her life has changed completely! She's calm, in control and empowered to build the most exciting future.


Alex's Story

Alex was always ambitious but motherhood forced her to shift her priorities so her career took a backseat to the family in the belief she couldn't have both. With her kids getting older, it was time for Alex to stop playing small, get the confidence to lean into her job, to finally put her hand up and see what is possible when you discover the real potential that lies within. She's now living proof that it's never too late to become unstoppable. 


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